If you want to go to the summit of Mauna Kea, you will
need to know what the weather is going to be like. The summit is not a pleasant
place if the weather is not nice as snow and ice often close the summit road.
Fortunately there is a web site that astronomers use to determine the
probability of them having a good night of observation. It is called the Mauna
Kea Weather Center and can be found at http://mkwc.ifa.hawaii.edu/forecast/mko/index.cgi.
On that site you can get current weather conditions, road conditions, and
current pictures from a variety of webcams on the mountain as well as satellite
and radar images. Of course, to actually travel up to the summit you will need
a four-wheel drive vehicle. But having made that trip frequently over the last
20 years, I can say that it is well worth the effort.
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